8 Tips on Sending Your Dog to the Kennel


Kennel Boarding is an important part of caring for dogs and is becoming increasingly popular. It gives dog owners a sense of freedom, allowing them to leave their pets in someone else’s care while they’re away on vacation, at work, or even travelling. Kennels nowadays offer comfort and enrichment that dogs enjoy and may not always get when at home due to busy lifestyles. Before you send your pet to the kennel, there are things you need to consider.

Make Sure You Choose the Right Dog Kennel

Choosing the right kennel for your dog is very important. Make sure you choose a dog kennel that is highly recommended with experienced staff that you can trust. Remember, a good dog kennel will ask lots of questions about your dog’s routine etc.

Talk About Your Pets Needs

The kennel staff are there to make your dog comfortable. Tell the staff as much as possible so they are prepared for every behaviour your dog has so that they know what to expect. 

Plan a Social Call

A social call or a day’s stay first will give you a better idea of where your dog will be staying and gives them a chance to get used to the staff and the surroundings before they stay for a longer period.

Pack Some Home Comforts

Bringing familiar blankets and toys for your dog that smell like you and your home can give them some comfort while staying away. If your dog suffers from anxiety when staying away from home, check out our blog for 5 ways to help with your dog’s anxiety.

Don’t Make a Fuss

When dropping them off at the dog kennel, try to act nonchalant and not make too much of a fuss. If you make too much of a fuss it will make it more difficult for you to leave and your dog may struggle to settle.

Make Sure Your Dog is Vaccinated

All dogs must be vaccinated before being kennelled to avoid any disease such as kennel cough. It is also a good idea to get pet insurance in order as well just in case. The PDSA has lots of useful information on what vaccinations your dog should already have and vaccinations they may need. for more information, click here.

Make a List 

Make a detailed list of everything the kennel should know about your dog, for example, if your dog has allergies or is taking any special medication. If your dog has any dietary requirements, make sure the staff are aware and that you supply them with enough food. A change in diet can make them poorly or unsettled.

Spend Some Extra Time with Them

Before taking your dog to the kennel, try to spend some extra time with them. This will make a difference when you drop them off. 

For some advice on what your dog may need while staying away, we have a staycation checklist to help. Even though your dog isn’t going away on a staycation, it is a checklist for items they may need when staying away from home. Click here to read our staycation checklist.