How to Save Money When Owning a Pet


Owning a pet is very rewarding but can also be extremely expensive, especially now energy, fuel and food prices are increasing. For example, the average dog can cost you £30,800 in their lifetime according to research carried out by PSDA. We have put together a few ways you can save money and lower the costs when owning a pet.

Shop Second Hand & Recycle! 

Everyone loves to spoil their pet but not everything has to be brand new. Shopping for second hand blankets or toys from charity shops is a great way to save money and help the environment. You can even recycle things already in your house for your pet. Get creative by recycling old clothes into tug of war ropes, even just putting a plastic bottle in a sock and tying the end will create a toy your pet will love! Check out how to make homemade pet toys on YouTube.


If you have a pet that needs grooming, it is important that you do it regularly to keep them clean, healthy, and comfortable. Taking your pet to the groomers regularly can be very costly. One way you could save money on grooming is by maintaining your pet’s coat in between appointments by brushing and washing them regularly. This will make it manageable to go longer between appointments. If you are going to start grooming your pet at home, make sure they are comfortable, progress slowly and make it a positive experience with lots of treats and praise. 

Make Your Own Treats 

Making your own pet treats has so many benefits. As well as saving on your weekly shop, it means they won’t contain the same number of preservatives, fats and chemicals that shop bought treats usually contain. You will also get the added satisfaction of making something for your pet to enjoy. All you need to do is search how to make homemade pet treats online. 

Buy in Bulk 

When buying pet food, it is best to buy in bulk if possible as this works out cheaper in the long run. Dry food is the best option when buying in bulk, they usually have a long shelf life, can easily be proportioned, and won’t spoil if left out.

Ask Friends or Family to Pet Sit 

Pet hotels and sitters can be expensive, especially if your pet needs to be looked after overnight. If possible, ask a friend or family member to help watch your pet if you need them looked after. 

Take Good Care of Your Pet  

Even though this sounds very simple, it is important that you take good care of your pet. Making sure they are well nourished, have a balanced diet, constant access to fresh water and lots of exercise could lower the number of expensive vet costs. 

Visit your local WCF store for all your pet essentials!