Festive Foods Your Dog Should Avoid

Our dogs are often thought of as members of the family, so it is no surprise that dog owners love to see them join in on the festive fun and spoil them rotten during the Christmas period. There are definitely some owners out there that wrap up a few presents, dress them up in a Christmas jumper and give them a little taster of their Christmas dinner! There is no harm in spoiling your dog during the festive period. However, it is important to be aware that the season can bring lots of dangers to dogs, especially when festive foods are involved.

There are lots of delicious festive foods we overindulge in during the Christmas period, however, some can be dangerous to feed your dog. In December, dogs are 75% more likely to be treated by a vet for eating human food that is poisonous to them, compared to any other month of the year. We have made a list below of all the festive foods that your dog should avoid.  

Festive Foods Your Dog CAN’T Eat   


Usually, chocolate is always involved when it comes down to Christmas. Advent calendars, tree decorations, selection boxes, chocolate reindeers and pennies are everywhere at this time of year. It is important that you keep these out of your dog’s reach. Click here to read our blog on the signs and what to do if your dog eats chocolate.   

Don’t forget to make sure there is no chocolate presents under your tree that your dog could get!     

Currents, Raisins, Grapes & Sultanas   

These are an important part of most festive foods, including mince pies, Christmas pudding and cheese boards. It is important your dog does not consume any of these as they are toxic to dogs and can lead to kidney failure.  


Nuts are never a good snack for your dog as they are high in fat. However, during the Christmas period we tend to see more macadamia nuts and walnuts which are poisonous to dogs. It is essential that you keep these out the way of your dogs to avoid the risk of them being poisoned.  


Even though the meat we eat at Christmas is often safe for dogs, the bones tend not to be. Cooked bones can be a choking hazard to dogs and tend to splinter easily when they have been cooked which can seriously damage your dog’s insides.  

Gravy & Stuffing   

Both contain garlic and onions that are poisonous to dogs, along with shallots and leeks. If you dog has digested any of these, it can cause them sickness, lethargy, weakness, pale gums, and damage to their red blood cells which can be very dangerous. There are also a lot of herbs and spices found in stuffing that makes it tasty for humans, but it can cause our dog an upset stomach.  

You should also avoid giving your dog any fatty and salty foods or anything containing blue cheese or alcohol. Keep a close eye on them at Christmas. Make sure they don’t sneak any of the festive foods they shouldn’t be eating and remember to keep all dangerous food out of paws reach.  

Festive Foods Your Dog CAN Eat   

It's not all bad this year as there are still some festive foods that your dog can enjoy so they don’t feel like they are missing out. These can include meats and vegetables if they aren’t covered in fatty extras, honey, and seasonings.   

If you are still looking for something to treat your dog to this Christmas, visit one of our WCF stores.