Is Your Dog Suffering from Dog Depression this Winter?


When autumn comes around, it is only the beginning of the colder temperatures and wet weather. Winter makes it difficult for outdoor lovers and dog owners to get out due to shorter days and darker nights. The only time allowing them to get out is on the weekends. Did you know that this could be affecting your dog more than you think, sending them into Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as “dog depression”, during the winter months? 

When we start to move into the winter months, your dog’s attitude and behaviour may begin to change, this is often due to the fact the weather is changing and could lead to dog depression. 

Dog Depression is a lot more common than you think with 1 in 3 pet parents seeing a change in the dog’s mental state and energy during winter. 

Signs of Dog Depression 

  • Change in Appetite 
  • Less Energy 
  • Loss of Interest 
  • Restless 
  • Paw Licking  

If you are worried about a change in your pet’s behaviour, it is always a good idea to call your vet just to be safe. The changes above can be caused by many things. 

How to Ease Dog Depression

  • Let the sunshine in – During the winter months, it is important to allow as much light into your home as possible. This can be an easy way to help with dog depression. All you need to do is move your dog’s bed closer to the window, go for a walk during the brightest part of the day and always keep the blinds and curtains open to allow as much natural sunlight in your home as you can.  
  • Get Outdoors – Whatever the weather, try to get outside as much as possible. Whether it is during the day or even at night, getting out for some fresh air is a great way to help reduce the chances of dog depression. Not only does it help reduce the chances of dog depression but improves the mood of both you and your dog. Dogs thrive on physical activities, new sights, and smells. If you can only get out during the dark nights, read our blog to help keep your dog safe in the dark.  
  • Create Indoor Playtime – when in the house, try to play and interact with your dog as much as possible. Not only will this help with your dog being bored during the gloomy dark winter weather but also strengthen the bond between you and your pet. Click here to find out how you can relieve your dog’s boredom.  
  • Spend Quality Time Together – spending quality time with your dog is a great way to lift your dog’s spirits, helping to keep their mood positive. It is also a good way to keep your own mood up.